New Call Of Duty Release Date 2024: Everything We Know

New Call Of Duty Release Date 2024: Everything We Know

Action-packed first-person shooter games are about to get a whole lot more exciting in 2024 with the highly anticipated release of the next Call of Duty installment. With stunning graphics, immersive storylines, and adrenaline-pumping gameplay, the Call of Duty franchise has captured the hearts of millions of gamers worldwide. Now, it’s time to gear up for the next chapter in this thrilling saga.

Rumors and speculations have been swirling around the internet for months, leaving Call of Duty enthusiasts eagerly awaiting official news. While Activision, the game’s publisher, remains tight-lipped about the specifics, we’ve gathered some intel to satisfy your curiosity and prime you for the upcoming release.

It’s important to note that the information provided in this article is based on leaks, rumors, and educated guesses. Activision has not officially confirmed any details about the new Call of Duty game, so take everything with a grain of salt until we get an official announcement.

New Call Of Duty Release Date 2024

Rumors and speculations have been swirling around the internet for months, leaving Call of Duty enthusiasts eagerly awaiting official news. Get ready for intense action and thrilling missions in the upcoming Call of Duty installment.

  • Anticipated Release: Fall 2024
  • Next-Gen Consoles: Targeting PS5, Xbox Series X/S
  • New Game Engine: Possible upgrade for enhanced graphics
  • Campaign Setting: Speculations of a modern warfare theme
  • Multiplayer Overhaul: Improved matchmaking and anti-cheat measures
  • Warzone Integration: Continuation of the popular battle royale mode

It’s important to note that these details are based on leaks, rumors, and educated guesses. Activision has not officially confirmed any information about the new Call of Duty game, so take everything with a grain of salt until we get an official announcement.

Anticipated Release: Fall 2024

The next Call of Duty game is expected to grace our gaming consoles in the fall of 2024, bringing forth a new wave of excitement and adrenaline. While Activision, the game’s publisher, has yet to officially confirm this release window, it has become an industry tradition for Call of Duty titles to drop around this time each year.

  • Seasonal Pattern: Call of Duty releases have consistently occurred in the fall season for many years, making it a reliable pattern for gamers to anticipate.
  • Holiday Sales Boost: Releasing the game in the fall allows it to capitalize on the holiday shopping season, which is a lucrative period for game sales.
  • Development Time: The fall release window provides developers with ample time to polish and refine the game, ensuring a high-quality experience for players.
  • Marketing Momentum: Launching the game in the fall allows for an extended marketing campaign, building anticipation and excitement among the gaming community.

Of course, the actual release date may vary depending on various factors, such as development progress, unforeseen challenges, or strategic decisions by Activision. However, the fall of 2024 remains the most likely timeframe for the next Call of Duty installment to hit the market.

Next-Gen Consoles: Targeting PS5, Xbox Series X/S

The upcoming Call of Duty game is poised to take full advantage of the capabilities offered by the latest generation of consoles, namely the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. These powerful machines boast significant upgrades in processing power, graphics capabilities, and storage capacity, promising an unparalleled gaming experience.

  • Enhanced Visuals: The next-gen consoles’ superior hardware enables the game to deliver stunning visuals with intricate details, realistic textures, and immersive environments.
  • Faster Loading Times: The lightning-fast SSDs in these consoles eliminate lengthy loading screens, allowing players to jump into the action almost instantaneously.
  • Higher Frame Rates: The increased processing power allows the game to run at higher frame rates, resulting in smoother and more responsive gameplay.
  • Immersive Haptics: The PS5’s DualSense controller and the Xbox Series X/S’s haptic triggers provide immersive feedback, enhancing the sense of realism and engagement.

By targeting the latest generation of consoles, the upcoming Call of Duty game aims to deliver a truly next-level gaming experience, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of first-person shooters.

New Game Engine: Possible upgrade for enhanced graphics

Rumors have been circulating that the upcoming Call of Duty game may introduce a brand-new game engine, marking a significant departure from the engine used in previous installments. This potential upgrade has sparked excitement among fans, as it could bring about a host of graphical improvements and gameplay enhancements.

A new game engine can provide a solid foundation for the developers to push the boundaries of visual fidelity. With the latest advancements in graphics technology, the game could feature stunningly detailed environments, realistic character models, and immersive lighting effects.

Moreover, a new engine can pave the way for improved physics and animations, resulting in more lifelike and responsive gameplay. Players may experience more fluid movement, more realistic interactions with the environment, and more immersive combat encounters.

The potential benefits of a new game engine are numerous. It could elevate the Call of Duty experience to new heights, delivering a visually stunning and technically impressive game that sets a new standard for the franchise.

However, it’s important to note that these are just rumors at this point. Activision has not officially confirmed whether or not the upcoming Call of Duty game will indeed feature a new game engine. We’ll have to wait for more concrete information as the release date approaches.

Campaign Setting: Speculations of a modern warfare theme

Whispers and leaks have hinted at the possibility of a modern warfare setting for the upcoming Call of Duty game. This would mark a return to the franchise’s roots, as the original Call of Duty games were set in modern conflicts such as World War II and the Cold War.

  • Real-World Relevance: A modern warfare setting allows the game to draw inspiration from current events and geopolitical tensions, making the narrative more relatable and impactful.
  • Technological Advancements: Modern warfare involves cutting-edge weaponry, drones, and cyber warfare, which could introduce new and exciting gameplay elements.
  • Diverse Locations: A modern warfare setting opens up the possibility of exploring a wide range of locations around the globe, offering varied and visually distinct environments.
  • Character-Driven Stories: Modern warfare often revolves around the personal stories of soldiers and their struggles, allowing for deeper character development and emotional moments.

Of course, these are just speculations at this stage, and Activision has not officially confirmed the campaign setting for the upcoming Call of Duty game. However, the prospect of a modern warfare setting has certainly generated excitement among fans who yearn for a return to the franchise’s classic roots.

Multiplayer Overhaul: Improved matchmaking and anti-cheat measures

The upcoming Call of Duty game is expected to bring significant improvements to the multiplayer experience, with a focus on enhancing matchmaking and implementing robust anti-cheat measures.

Improved Matchmaking: The developers have reportedly overhauled the matchmaking system to create fairer and more balanced matches. This could mean taking into account factors such as player skill, connection quality, and preferred playstyle when forming teams.

Dedicated Anti-Cheat Efforts: Cheating has been a persistent issue in Call of Duty multiplayer, but the upcoming game is said to feature a dedicated anti-cheat team and advanced anti-cheat technology. This could include server-side anti-cheat measures, machine learning algorithms to detect suspicious behavior, and a streamlined reporting system for players to flag cheaters.

Cross-Play and Cross-Progression: Rumors suggest that the upcoming Call of Duty game will support cross-play and cross-progression across all platforms. This means that players can compete against and team up with friends on different consoles and devices, and their progress and unlocks will carry over between platforms.

New Multiplayer Modes and Maps: In addition to the core multiplayer modes, the upcoming game is expected to introduce new and innovative multiplayer modes, as well as a variety of new maps. These new additions could bring fresh and exciting experiences to the multiplayer scene.

Overall, the multiplayer component of the upcoming Call of Duty game is poised to deliver a more enjoyable and fair experience for players, with improved matchmaking, enhanced anti-cheat measures, and a range of new features and content.

Warzone Integration: Continuation of the popular battle royale mode

The immensely popular battle royale mode, Warzone, is expected to continue and receive ongoing support alongside the upcoming Call of Duty game. This means that players can look forward to a seamless integration between the two, allowing them to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Shared Progression and Content: The integration between Warzone and the upcoming Call of Duty game is rumored to feature shared progression and content. This means that players can earn experience, unlock weapons, and complete challenges in either game, and their progress will carry over to the other. Additionally, new content, such as maps, weapons, and operators, could be released simultaneously for both Warzone and the upcoming game.

Cross-Play and Cross-Progression: Similar to the multiplayer component, Warzone is also expected to support cross-play and cross-progression across all platforms. This means that players can team up with friends on different consoles and devices, and their progress and unlocks will carry over between platforms.

New Map and Features: With the integration of Warzone into the upcoming Call of Duty game, there’s a possibility of a new map or significant changes to the existing map. Additionally, new features, modes, and events could be introduced to keep the battle royale experience fresh and exciting.

By integrating Warzone with the upcoming Call of Duty game, Activision aims to create a cohesive and expansive Call of Duty universe, offering players a diverse range of experiences and content to enjoy.


Have more questions about the upcoming Call of Duty game in 2024? Check out these frequently asked questions for more information:

Question 1: When will the new Call of Duty game be released?

Answer: The exact release date for the upcoming Call of Duty game has not been officially announced yet, but it is expected to launch in the fall of 2024, following the traditional release schedule for the franchise.

Question 2: Which platforms will the game be available on?

Answer: The upcoming Call of Duty game is expected to be released on current-gen consoles (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S) as well as PC. There is also a possibility of a release on previous-gen consoles (PlayStation 4, Xbox One), but this has not been confirmed.

Question 3: Will the game feature a new game engine?

Answer: Rumors and leaks suggest that the upcoming Call of Duty game may introduce a new game engine, but Activision has not officially confirmed this information. If true, a new game engine could bring significant graphical improvements and gameplay enhancements.

Question 4: What is the rumored campaign setting for the game?

Answer: Speculations point towards a modern warfare setting for the upcoming Call of Duty game, harkening back to the franchise’s roots. This could involve conflicts inspired by real-world events and feature cutting-edge technology and diverse locations.

Question 5: Will the game have improved matchmaking and anti-cheat measures?

Answer: The developers have reportedly focused on improving matchmaking and implementing robust anti-cheat measures in the upcoming Call of Duty game. This could result in fairer matches and a more enjoyable multiplayer experience.

Question 6: Will Warzone be integrated with the new Call of Duty game?

Answer: It is highly likely that Warzone will continue and receive ongoing support alongside the upcoming Call of Duty game. Players can expect shared progression, cross-play, and potentially a new map or significant changes to the existing one.

Question 7: What are some of the most anticipated features of the new Call of Duty game?

Answer: Some of the most anticipated features include a potential new game engine for enhanced graphics, a modern warfare campaign setting, improved matchmaking and anti-cheat measures, the continuation of Warzone, and the introduction of new multiplayer modes and maps.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:}

These are just some of the frequently asked questions regarding the upcoming Call of Duty game in 2024. As more official information is released, we’ll keep you updated with the latest news and details.

In the meantime, stay tuned for more exciting developments and prepare yourself for another thrilling installment in the Call of Duty franchise.


To make the most of the upcoming Call of Duty game in 2024, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Tip 1: Stay Updated with Official News:

Keep an eye on official Call of Duty channels such as the Activision website, social media pages, and reputable gaming news outlets. This will ensure that you’re always up-to-date with the latest announcements, trailers, and information about the game.

Tip 2: Explore Leaks and Rumors (with Caution):

While leaks and rumors can be exciting, it’s important to approach them with caution. Not all leaks are accurate, and some may contain false or misleading information. Be critical and discerning when reading unverified information, and remember that nothing is confirmed until officially announced by Activision.

Tip 3: Save Up for Potential Special Editions:

Call of Duty games often come with special editions that include bonus content, exclusive skins, and other digital goodies. If you’re a dedicated fan, consider saving up for a special edition to enhance your gaming experience.

Tip 4: Prepare Your Gaming Setup:

Make sure your gaming setup is ready for the upcoming Call of Duty game. This includes having a stable internet connection, enough storage space on your console or PC, and any necessary peripherals (controllers, headsets, etc.). By preparing your setup in advance, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience from day one.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

These tips will help you stay informed, manage expectations, and prepare for the highly anticipated Call of Duty game in 2024. Remember to enjoy the journey leading up to the release and immerse yourself in the excitement of the gaming community.

As we eagerly await more news and details, let’s keep the hype alive and speculate together about what the upcoming Call of Duty game might bring to the table.


As we eagerly anticipate the arrival of the upcoming Call of Duty game in 2024, let’s recap the main points discussed in this article:

Anticipated Release: The game is expected to launch in the fall of 2024, following the traditional release schedule for the franchise.

Next-Gen Consoles: The game is targeting current-gen consoles (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S) and may also be available on previous-gen consoles.

New Game Engine: Rumors suggest that the game may introduce a new game engine, potentially bringing enhanced graphics and gameplay improvements.

Campaign Setting: Speculations point towards a modern warfare setting, offering a return to the franchise’s roots with conflicts inspired by real-world events.

Multiplayer Overhaul: Improved matchmaking and robust anti-cheat measures are expected to enhance the multiplayer experience.

Warzone Integration: Warzone is likely to continue and receive ongoing support, with shared progression, cross-play, and potentially a new map.

Closing Message:

The upcoming Call of Duty game in 2024 promises to deliver an exciting and immersive experience for fans of the franchise. With the potential for a new game engine, a compelling campaign setting, and improvements to multiplayer and Warzone, there’s a lot to look forward to. As we wait for more official information, let’s engage in discussions, share our theories, and build up the hype together. The journey leading up to the release is just as thrilling as the game itself, so let’s enjoy every moment of it.

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