Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024: Plan Your Academic Year with Precision

Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024: Plan Your Academic Year with Precision

Welcome to the Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024! Excited about the upcoming academic year? Wondering when classes start and when breaks are? Look no further! This comprehensive article will provide you with all the essential information you need to plan your academic year with precision and enthusiasm.

Notre Dame’s academic tradition is enriched with a rigorous curriculum and engaging learning experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned student or about to embark on your Notre Dame journey, having a clear understanding of the academic calendar is key to achieving success and making the most of your time at the university. Get ready to dive into an informative expedition through the Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024!

Now, let’s delve into the details of the Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024. We’ll explore important dates, holidays, and breaks, providing you with a comprehensive overview of the academic year. Stay tuned for insightful tips and fun facts to make your academic journey even more fulfilling!

Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024

Plan your academic year with precision using the comprehensive Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024. Important dates, holidays, and breaks are outlined to help you stay organized and make the most of your time at the university.

  • Fall Semester Start: August 25, 2024
  • Fall Semester End: December 13, 2024
  • Thanksgiving Break: November 22-24, 2024
  • Winter Break: December 14, 2024 – January 18, 2025
  • Spring Semester Start: January 19, 2025
  • Spring Semester End: May 16, 2025
  • Spring Break: March 10-16, 2025
  • Easter Break: April 18-21, 2025
  • Commencement: May 18, 2025
  • Academic Deadlines: Check official Notre Dame website

Stay informed about important deadlines, registration dates, and other academic events by regularly checking the Notre Dame Academic Calendar. This will help you stay on track and avoid any potential setbacks in your academic journey.

Fall Semester Start: August 25, 2024

The fall semester at Notre Dame kicks off on August 25, 2024, marking the beginning of a new academic journey for students. This semester is packed with opportunities for learning, growth, and engagement.

  • New Beginnings:

    The fall semester is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. Whether you’re a first-year student embarking on your Notre Dame adventure or a returning student ready to conquer new academic challenges, the fall semester is your chance to make a strong start and set the tone for a successful year.

  • Course Selection:

    During the fall semester, students have the opportunity to select courses that align with their academic interests and goals. With a wide range of courses to choose from, students can explore new subjects, delve deeper into their chosen field of study, and fulfill their degree requirements.

  • Academic Support:

    Notre Dame provides a supportive learning environment to help students succeed. The university offers various academic resources, including tutoring, writing centers, and academic advising, to ensure that students have the tools and guidance they need to excel in their studies.

  • Campus Events:

    The fall semester is also a time for exciting campus events and activities. From football games to cultural festivals, there’s always something happening on campus to keep students engaged and entertained outside of the classroom.

As the fall semester unfolds, students will have the chance to immerse themselves in their studies, make new friends, and create lasting memories. It’s a time to challenge themselves academically, explore new interests, and make the most of their Notre Dame experience.

Fall Semester End: December 13, 2024

The fall semester at Notre Dame concludes on December 13, 2024, marking the end of a rigorous and rewarding academic journey. As the semester draws to a close, students have the opportunity to reflect on their accomplishments and prepare for the upcoming break.

  • Final Exams:

    The final weeks of the fall semester are dedicated to final exams, where students showcase their knowledge and skills acquired throughout the semester. These exams are an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the course material and earn their final grades.

  • Grading and Feedback:

    After final exams, professors diligently review and grade students’ work. This process ensures that students receive accurate and timely feedback on their performance, helping them identify areas where they excelled and areas where they can improve.

  • Preparing for Break:

    As the semester ends, students begin preparations for the upcoming break. This may involve packing their belongings, completing any outstanding assignments, and saying farewell to friends and professors. The break provides a well-deserved opportunity to rest, recharge, and come back refreshed for the spring semester.

  • Looking Ahead:

    The end of the fall semester also marks a time for students to reflect on their academic progress and set goals for the upcoming semester. They may begin planning their course schedules, researching potential research opportunities, or exploring internship possibilities.

As the fall semester comes to an end, students can take pride in their accomplishments and look forward to new opportunities and challenges in the spring semester. The break provides a chance to recharge and return to Notre Dame with renewed energy and enthusiasm for learning.

Thanksgiving Break: November 22-24, 2024

The Thanksgiving break is a cherished tradition at Notre Dame, providing students with a well-deserved respite from their academic pursuits and an opportunity to celebrate with family and friends. This year, the Thanksgiving break falls from November 22 to 24, offering students three full days to relax, recharge, and engage in meaningful traditions.

Spending Time with Loved Ones:
Many students use the Thanksgiving break to travel home and reconnect with their families. It’s a time to gather around the table, share delicious meals, and create lasting memories. Whether it’s watching football, playing games, or simply catching up, the Thanksgiving break provides a chance to strengthen family bonds and appreciate the important people in one’s life.

Exploring New Places:
For those who prefer to venture out and explore new horizons, the Thanksgiving break presents an ideal opportunity. With three days to spare, students can embark on short trips to nearby cities, visit cultural attractions, or immerse themselves in nature. It’s a chance to broaden their perspectives and create new memories outside of the Notre Dame campus.

Engaging in Service and Giving Back:
For students who want to make a positive impact during the break, there are numerous opportunities to engage in service and give back to the community. Local soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and animal shelters often welcome volunteers during the holiday season. Volunteering is a meaningful way to spend the break, helping those in need and spreading the spirit of gratitude.

Reflecting and Rejuvenating:
The Thanksgiving break also provides students with an opportunity to pause and reflect on the past semester. It’s a time to appreciate their accomplishments, acknowledge areas where they can improve, and set goals for the upcoming semester. The break also serves as a much-needed period of rejuvenation, allowing students to recharge their batteries and return to campus refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges of the remaining academic year.

As the Thanksgiving break approaches, students eagerly await the chance to celebrate, connect with loved ones, explore new places, and engage in meaningful activities. It’s a time to embrace the spirit of gratitude and make the most of this special holiday.

Winter Break: December 14, 2024 – January 18, 2025

The winter break at Notre Dame is a time for students to step away from their studies, recharge their batteries, and engage in a variety of activities that enrich their lives beyond the classroom. Spanning from December 14, 2024, to January 18, 2025, this extended break offers ample opportunities for students to pursue personal interests, spend time with loved ones, and prepare for the upcoming semester.

Holiday Celebrations:
For many students, the winter break is a time to celebrate cherished holiday traditions with family and friends. Whether it’s decorating a Christmas tree, attending religious services, or gathering for festive meals, the break provides a chance to embrace the spirit of the season and create lasting memories.

Travel and Exploration:
With over a month of free time, students have the opportunity to embark on exciting travel adventures. Whether it’s exploring new cities, visiting national parks, or simply relaxing on a tropical beach, the winter break is an ideal time to satisfy one’s wanderlust and broaden one’s horizons.

Skill Development and Hobbies:
The winter break also presents an excellent opportunity for students to develop new skills or pursue hobbies that they may have neglected during the busy academic semesters. This could involve learning a new language, taking up a musical instrument, or delving into a creative project. The break provides the time and space for students to explore their passions and discover new talents.

Preparing for the Upcoming Semester:
While the winter break is a time for relaxation and rejuvenation, it’s also an opportunity for students to prepare for the upcoming semester. This may involve reviewing course materials, completing any outstanding assignments, or even getting a head start on readings for the next semester. By staying organized and proactive, students can set themselves up for success when classes resume.

As the winter break approaches, students eagerly anticipate the chance to unwind, recharge, and engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment. It’s a time to celebrate, explore, learn, and prepare for the challenges and opportunities that the new semester will bring.

Spring Semester Start: January 19, 2025

As the winter break comes to an end, Notre Dame students eagerly await the start of the spring semester on January 19, 2025. This semester brings renewed energy, fresh perspectives, and a multitude of opportunities for academic growth and personal development.

New Courses and Challenges:
The spring semester offers students the chance to explore new areas of study and challenge themselves intellectually. With a wide range of courses to choose from, students can delve deeper into their chosen field of study, fulfill major and minor requirements, or simply satisfy their curiosity about new subjects.

Research and Creative Projects:
The spring semester is also a time for students to engage in research and creative projects. Whether it’s conducting scientific experiments, writing a thesis, or producing a work of art, the semester provides ample opportunities for students to showcase their skills and contribute to their field of study.

Internships and Experiential Learning:
Many students take advantage of the spring semester to gain valuable real-world experience through internships, co-ops, and other experiential learning opportunities. These experiences allow students to apply their knowledge and skills in a professional setting, explore potential career paths, and build connections that may benefit them in their future careers.

Extracurricular Activities and Student Life:
In addition to their academic pursuits, students can participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities during the spring semester. From joining student clubs and organizations to attending cultural events and sporting matches, there are countless ways for students to get involved on campus and enrich their Notre Dame experience.

As the spring semester begins, students embark on a new journey of learning, growth, and discovery. It’s a time to embrace new challenges, seize opportunities, and make the most of the vibrant academic and social environment that Notre Dame has to offer.

Spring Semester End: May 16, 2025

As the academic year draws to a close, the spring semester at Notre Dame concludes on May 16, 2025. This marks the culmination of a rigorous and rewarding academic journey, where students have dedicated themselves to learning, growth, and personal development.

  • Final Exams and Assessments:

    The final weeks of the spring semester are dedicated to final exams and assessments, where students demonstrate their mastery of the course material and earn their final grades. These exams are an opportunity to showcase their knowledge and skills, and to receive feedback on their academic progress.

  • Grading and Feedback:

    After final exams, professors diligently review and grade students’ work. This process ensures that students receive accurate and timely feedback on their performance, helping them identify areas where they excelled and areas where they can improve.

  • Commencement and Graduation:

    For graduating seniors, the spring semester culminates in commencement and graduation ceremonies. These торжественный occasions celebrate the achievements of the graduating class and mark a significant milestone in their academic journey. Graduates are recognized for their hard work, dedication, and contributions to the Notre Dame community.

  • Preparing for the Next Chapter:

    The end of the spring semester also marks a time of transition for students. Graduating seniors prepare for their next steps, whether it’s pursuing further education, entering the workforce, or embarking on new adventures. Underclassmen reflect on their academic progress and set goals for the upcoming year, eager to continue their learning and growth at Notre Dame.

As the spring semester comes to an end, students can take pride in their accomplishments and look forward to new opportunities and challenges in the future. The break provides a chance to recharge and return to Notre Dame with renewed energy and enthusiasm for learning.

Spring Break: March 10-16, 2025

Amidst the rigors of the spring semester, Notre Dame students eagerly anticipate spring break, a week-long respite from classes that falls from March 10 to 16, 2025. This break provides a much-needed opportunity to recharge, rejuvenate, and engage in activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

  • Rest and Relaxation:

    For many students, spring break is a time to simply relax and unwind. Whether it’s catching up on sleep, spending time in nature, or indulging in hobbies, the break offers a chance to de-stress and come back to their studies refreshed and revitalized.

  • Travel and Exploration:

    Spring break is also a popular time for students to travel and explore new places. Some may venture to far-flung destinations, while others may opt for more local getaways. Regardless of their destination, students can use this time to broaden their horizons, experience different cultures, and create lasting memories.

  • Service and Community Engagement:

    For students who want to make a positive impact during their break, there are numerous opportunities to engage in service and community engagement activities. This could involve volunteering at local organizations, participating in environmental cleanup projects, or simply lending a helping hand to those in need.

  • Academic and Personal Enrichment:

    Some students use spring break as an opportunity to pursue academic or personal enrichment activities. This could involve attending workshops or conferences, learning a new skill, or simply catching up on reading and research. The break provides a chance to step outside of the traditional classroom setting and explore new areas of interest.

As spring break approaches, students eagerly await the chance to take a break from their studies, recharge their batteries, and engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment. It’s a time to embrace new experiences, connect with loved ones, and return to Notre Dame with renewed energy and enthusiasm for learning.

Easter Break: April 18-21, 2025

In the heart of the spring semester, Notre Dame students are granted a brief respite from their academic pursuits during the Easter break, which falls from April 18 to 21, 2025. This four-day break coincides with the Easter holiday, a significant religious and cultural observance for many students and their families.

Celebrating Easter Traditions:
For students who observe Easter, the break provides an opportunity to celebrate cherished traditions with family and friends. This may involve attending church services, participating in egg hunts, or sharing festive meals. For those who do not observe Easter, the break offers a chance to relax, recharge, and engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment.

Travel and Exploration:
With four days of free time, students can embark on short trips or explore nearby attractions. Some may choose to visit historic sites, cultural landmarks, or natural wonders. Others may prefer to simply relax and unwind in a new environment. Regardless of their destination, the Easter break provides an opportunity to escape the rigors of academia and create lasting memories.

Engaging in Service and Reflection:
For students who seek to make a positive impact during their break, there are numerous opportunities to engage in service and reflection. This could involve volunteering at local organizations, participating in community service projects, or simply taking time to reflect on their values and aspirations. The Easter break offers a chance to connect with others, give back to the community, and deepen one’s sense of purpose.

Preparing for the Final Stretch:
While the Easter break is a time for relaxation and rejuvenation, it also serves as a reminder that the end of the semester is approaching. Some students may use the break to catch up on assignments, review course material, or plan for final projects and exams. By staying organized and focused, students can ensure that they finish the semester strong and achieve their academic goals.

As the Easter break approaches, students eagerly anticipate the chance to celebrate, explore, serve, and prepare for the final stretch of the spring semester. It’s a time to embrace the spirit of renewal and growth, both personally and academically.

Commencement: May 18, 2025

The Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024 culminates in a momentous occasion: Commencement on May 18, 2025. This торжественный ceremony marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and academic achievement for the graduating class.

Celebrating Achievements and Milestones:
Commencement is a time to celebrate the achievements of the graduating class. Students are recognized for their academic accomplishments, their contributions to the Notre Dame community, and their readiness to make a positive impact in the world. It is a day of pride and joy for graduates, their families, and the entire Notre Dame community.

Inspiring Words of Wisdom:
Commencement is also an opportunity to hear inspiring words of wisdom from distinguished speakers. These speakers often share their own experiences, offer advice for the future, and challenge graduates to use their knowledge and skills to make a difference in the world. Their speeches provide a fitting conclusion to the academic journey and serve as a source of motivation for the graduates as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.

A Farewell and a New Beginning:
Commencement is a time of both farewell and new beginnings. Graduates say goodbye to the familiar surroundings of Notre Dame, but they also embark on a new journey filled with possibilities. They leave Notre Dame as educated and compassionate individuals, ready to apply their knowledge and skills to address the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

A Day of Celebration and Reflection:
Commencement is a day of celebration, reflection, and anticipation. It is a day to celebrate the achievements of the graduating class, to reflect on the transformative power of education, and to look forward to the bright future that lies ahead for these remarkable young men and women.

As the Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024 draws to a close, the university community comes together to celebrate the accomplishments of its graduating class and to wish them well on their future endeavors. Commencement is a fitting culmination to a rigorous and rewarding academic journey, and it marks the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of Notre Dame’s graduates.

Academic Deadlines: Check official Notre Dame website

To ensure a smooth and successful academic journey, it’s crucial for Notre Dame students to be aware of important academic deadlines and adhere to them. These deadlines are in place to maintain academic integrity, fairness, and a consistent учебный process. Students can find the most up-to-date and comprehensive information regarding academic deadlines on the official Notre Dame website.

  • Course Registration:

    Course registration is a critical step that allows students to select the courses they will take in a given semester. Deadlines for course registration vary depending on the semester and student status. It’s important to meet these deadlines to secure a spot in desired courses and avoid any registration issues.

  • Add/Drop Period:

    The add/drop period provides students with an opportunity to make changes to their course schedule. During this period, students can add or drop courses without penalty. Deadlines for the add/drop period are typically within the first few weeks of each semester.

  • Withdrawal Deadlines:

    Students who decide to withdraw from a course after the add/drop period must do so before the withdrawal deadline. Withdrawing from a course after this deadline may result in academic penalties, such as a failing grade or a mark of “W” on the transcript.

  • Final Exam Schedule:

    Final exams are comprehensive assessments that evaluate students’ understanding of the course material. The final exam schedule is released well in advance of the exam period. Students should familiarize themselves with the schedule and plan their study accordingly.

In addition to these key deadlines, the official Notre Dame website also provides information on other important academic deadlines, such as scholarship applications, financial aid deadlines, and thesis submission deadlines. By staying informed about these deadlines and meeting them promptly, students can avoid unnecessary stress and ensure their academic success at Notre Dame.


Got questions about the Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024? We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you navigate the academic year with ease.

Question 1: When does the fall semester start in 2024?
Answer: The fall semester for 2024 begins on August 25th.

Question 2: When is the Thanksgiving break in 2024?
Answer: The Thanksgiving break in 2024 runs from November 22nd to 24th.

Question 3: How long is the winter break in 2024?
Answer: The winter break in 2024 begins on December 14th and ends on January 18th, 2025, lasting for over a month.

Question 4: When does the spring semester start in 2025?
Answer: The spring semester for 2025 starts on January 19th.

Question 5: When is the Easter break in 2025?
Answer: The Easter break in 2025 falls from April 18th to 21st.

Question 6: When is Commencement in 2025?
Answer: Commencement for the class of 2025 will be held on May 18th, 2025.

Question 7: Where can I find more information about academic deadlines and important dates?
Answer: You can find the most up-to-date information on academic deadlines, registration dates, and other important dates on the official Notre Dame website.

We hope this FAQ has answered some of your questions about the Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Notre Dame Registrar’s Office for assistance.

Now that you have a better understanding of the key dates and events in the Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024, check out our additional tips and insights to help you make the most of your academic journey.


Make the most of your academic journey at Notre Dame in 2024 with these helpful tips:

Tip 1: Plan Ahead:
Familiarize yourself with the Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024 and plan your semesters accordingly. Mark important dates, deadlines, and breaks in your calendar to stay organized and avoid any surprises.

Tip 2: Register Early for Classes:
To secure your spot in desired courses, register for classes as early as possible. This is especially important for popular courses that fill up quickly. Check the Notre Dame website for course registration deadlines and instructions.

Tip 3: Take Advantage of Academic Resources:
Notre Dame offers a wide range of academic resources to help students succeed. Utilize the library, tutoring services, writing center, and other resources to enhance your learning and improve your grades.

Tip 4: Maintain a Healthy Balance:
While academics are important, remember to maintain a healthy balance between your studies and other aspects of your life. Engage in extracurricular activities, spend time with friends and family, and take breaks when needed. A well-rounded lifestyle will contribute to your overall success and well-being.

By following these tips, you can navigate the Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024 with confidence and make the most of your academic experience.

As you embark on your academic journey at Notre Dame in 2024, remember to embrace new opportunities, challenge yourself intellectually, and make the most of every moment. The Notre Dame community is here to support you along the way.


As the Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024 unfolds, students can look forward to a year filled with opportunities for learning, growth, and personal development. The calendar provides a structured framework for the academic year, outlining important dates, deadlines, and breaks.

From the start of the fall semester in August to the conclusion of the spring semester in May, students will engage in rigorous coursework, participate in extracurricular activities, and create lasting memories. The Thanksgiving break, winter break, spring break, and Easter break offer well-deserved respites from academic pursuits, allowing students to recharge and return to their studies with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Commencement in May 2025 will mark a significant milestone for the graduating class, as they celebrate their achievements and prepare to embark on the next chapter of their lives. Throughout the academic year, students can take advantage of the university’s academic resources, support services, and vibrant campus community to make the most of their Notre Dame experience.

Whether you are a first-year student beginning your academic journey or a graduating senior preparing for the future, the Notre Dame Academic Calendar 2024 serves as a guide to help you navigate the year with confidence and success. Embrace the opportunities that come your way, challenge yourself academically, and make the most of every moment on Notre Dame’s beautiful campus.

As you embark on this exciting academic year, remember that the Notre Dame community is here to support you every step of the way. Seize the opportunities, make the most of your time, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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