Texas A&M Class of 2024: Your Graduation Journey Begins Today!

Texas A&M Class of 2024: Your Graduation Journey Begins Today!

Howdy, future Aggies! Congratulations on taking the first step toward your Texas A&M graduation in 2024. You’re now officially part of the Aggie family, and we’re thrilled to have you. As you embark on this exciting journey, let’s take a quick peek into what the next four years have in store for you.

Your time at Texas A&M will be filled with countless opportunities for growth, exploration, and Aggie pride. You’ll have the chance to learn from world-renowned professors, conduct groundbreaking research, participate in over 1,000 student organizations, and cheer on our beloved Aggie sports teams. But most importantly, you’ll make lifelong friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.

As you begin your academic journey, it’s essential to remember that you’re not alone. The Texas A&M community is here to support you every step of the way. From dedicated academic advisors to caring professors and supportive staff, we’re committed to ensuring your success. So, embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and make the most of your time at Texas A&M. The Aggie Network awaits you with open arms.

Texas A&M Graduation 2024

As the Class of 2024 embarks on their Aggie journey, let’s highlight 10 important points to keep in mind:

  • Aggie Ring: Symbol of pride and tradition.
  • Academic Excellence: World-class faculty and research.
  • 1,000+ Student Orgs: Clubs, sports, and more.
  • Sporting Events: Cheer on the Aggies!
  • Howdy Week: Welcoming new Aggies.
  • Silver Taps: Honoring fallen Aggies.
  • MSC Open 24/7: Aggie student union.
  • Bonfire: Annual tradition and celebration.
  • Elephant Walk: Graduates parade through campus.
  • Ring Dance: Farewell dance for seniors.

These are just a few of the many highlights that await the Class of 2024. Embrace the Aggie spirit, make the most of your time at Texas A&M, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Aggie Ring: Symbol of pride and tradition.

The Aggie Ring is more than just a piece of jewelry; it’s a symbol of pride, tradition, and unity among Texas A&M University graduates. It’s a tangible reminder of the Aggie Core Values: Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, and Selfless Service.

  • Earning the Ring:

    To earn the Aggie Ring, students must complete at least 90 credit hours, including specific coursework and participation in various university activities.

  • The Ring Design:

    The Aggie Ring features the university seal, the student’s name, class year, and major. The ring is made of solid sterling silver and is worn on the pinky finger of the dominant hand.

  • Ring Day:

    Ring Day is a special ceremony held each spring where graduating seniors receive their Aggie Rings. It’s a day filled with excitement, pride, and Aggie spirit.

  • Ring Traditions:

    Aggies have many traditions associated with the ring, such as “ringing in” new Aggies by tapping their ring against another Aggie’s ring, and the “Ring Dunk,” where graduates dunk their rings in the campus fountain.

The Aggie Ring is a cherished symbol that represents the Aggie Network, a global community of over 500,000 former students. It’s a reminder of the values and traditions that Aggies carry with them throughout their lives.

Academic Excellence: World-class faculty and research.

Texas A&M University is renowned for its academic excellence, with a world-class faculty dedicated to teaching and research. Here are some highlights:

Distinguished Faculty: Aggie faculty members are experts in their fields, many of whom are recognized nationally and internationally for their research and scholarship. They are committed to providing students with a high-quality education and mentoring them to succeed.

Cutting-Edge Research: Texas A&M is a major research institution, with over $1 billion in annual research expenditures. Faculty and students engage in groundbreaking research across various disciplines, including engineering, medicine, agriculture, and the humanities.

Research Opportunities for Students: Undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to participate in research projects alongside faculty members. This hands-on experience prepares students for careers in academia, industry, and government.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Texas A&M encourages interdisciplinary collaboration among faculty and students. This fosters innovation and leads to new discoveries that address real-world problems.

Nationally Recognized Programs: Many of Texas A&M’s academic programs are ranked among the top in the nation by prestigious organizations such as U.S. News & World Report and The Princeton Review. This recognition reflects the university’s commitment to providing students with an exceptional education.

Texas A&M’s academic excellence prepares graduates for successful careers and makes them highly sought after by employers worldwide. Aggies are known for their strong work ethic, problem-solving skills, and leadership abilities, which are highly valued in today’s job market.

1,000+ Student Orgs: Clubs, sports, and more.

Texas A&M University offers an incredible array of student organizations, with over 1,000 clubs and organizations to choose from. These organizations provide students with opportunities to explore their interests, develop leadership skills, make new friends, and contribute to the vibrant campus community.

Student Clubs and Organizations: Texas A&M has a diverse range of student clubs and organizations, including academic clubs, cultural organizations, political groups, service organizations, and special interest clubs. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re passionate about engineering, music, sustainability, or anything in between.

Sports Clubs and Intramurals: For those who enjoy sports and fitness, Texas A&M offers a variety of sports clubs and intramural leagues. Students can participate in a wide range of sports, from basketball and soccer to ultimate frisbee and rugby. These activities are a great way to stay active, meet new people, and show your Aggie spirit.

Greek Life: Texas A&M has a strong Greek life community, with over 70 fraternities and sororities. Greek organizations provide students with a sense of community, leadership opportunities, and lifelong friendships. While Greek life is not for everyone, it’s an important part of the Texas A&M experience for many students.

Student Government: Students who are interested in making a difference on campus can get involved in student government. The Student Government Association (SGA) represents the student body and advocates for student interests. SGA members have the opportunity to work on various committees, organize events, and make decisions that impact the student experience.

With over 1,000 student organizations to choose from, Texas A&M students have endless opportunities to get involved, explore their passions, and make the most of their college experience.

Sporting Events: Cheer on the Aggies!

Texas A&M University is known for its passionate sports culture, and attending Aggie sporting events is a rite of passage for students and alumni alike. Here are some highlights:

Football: Texas A&M football is a major force in the Southeastern Conference (SEC). The Aggies play their home games at Kyle Field, which is one of the largest and most intimidating stadiums in the country. Kyle Field is known for its electric atmosphere and the “12th Man,” which refers to the Aggie fans who are considered to be the team’s extra player.

Basketball: The Aggie men’s and women’s basketball teams compete in the SEC and have a strong tradition of success. The men’s team has reached the NCAA Tournament several times, while the women’s team has won multiple conference championships.

Other Sports: Texas A&M also excels in a variety of other sports, including baseball, softball, volleyball, soccer, and track and field. The Aggies have won numerous national championships in these sports, and their teams are always competitive at the highest level.

Spirit and Traditions: Attending an Aggie sporting event is not just about watching the game; it’s about experiencing the unique spirit and traditions of Texas A&M. Fans can expect to see the Aggie War Hymn played, the “Saw Varsity” chant, and the famous “Gig ‘Em” hand sign.

Whether you’re a die-hard sports fan or just looking for a fun and exciting way to show your Aggie pride, attending a sporting event is a must-do experience for all Texas A&M students and alumni.

Howdy Week: Welcoming new Aggies.

Howdy Week is an annual tradition at Texas A&M University that welcomes incoming freshmen and transfer students to the Aggie family. This week-long event is filled with activities, performances, and traditions designed to introduce new students to the university and help them feel at home.

  • Howdy Parade:

    The Howdy Parade is the grand kickoff event for Howdy Week. This colorful parade features student organizations, floats, and performances, and it’s a great way for new students to get a taste of the Aggie spirit.

  • Midnight Yell Practice:

    One of the most iconic Aggie traditions, Midnight Yell Practice is a spirited pep rally held at Kyle Field the night before the first home football game. New students get to experience the electric atmosphere of Aggie football and learn the Aggie yells and songs.

  • Aggie Ring Dunk:

    After receiving their Aggie Rings at Ring Day, graduating seniors participate in the Aggie Ring Dunk. They dunk their rings in the campus fountain, symbolizing their transition from students to alumni.

  • Elephant Walk:

    The Elephant Walk is a solemn procession of graduating seniors as they walk through campus to Kyle Field for their commencement ceremony. It’s a moving tradition that marks the end of their time at Texas A&M.

Howdy Week is a special time at Texas A&M, where new students are welcomed into the Aggie family and graduating seniors are celebrated for their accomplishments. It’s a week filled with excitement, tradition, and Aggie pride.

Silver Taps: Honoring fallen Aggies.

Silver Taps is a solemn and moving tradition at Texas A&M University that honors the memory of Aggies who have died. It is held every Tuesday and Friday night at 10:00 PM on the campus quad.

  • The Tradition:

    The Silver Taps tradition began in 1898 when a bugler played taps at the funeral of Cadet Richard Kleberg. Since then, Silver Taps has been played every week, regardless of the weather or other circumstances.

  • The Ceremony:

    The Silver Taps ceremony is simple yet powerful. A bugler stands in the middle of the quad and plays taps, while students, faculty, and staff stand in silence. The lights of the Academic Building are turned off, and the only illumination comes from the street lamps and the stars above.

  • Remembering the Fallen:

    Silver Taps is a time to remember the Aggies who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It is also a time to reflect on the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing our time at Texas A&M.

  • Unity and Support:

    Silver Taps is a powerful reminder of the Aggie spirit of unity and support. When a member of the Aggie family passes away, the entire community comes together to mourn and to support one another.

Silver Taps is a cherished tradition at Texas A&M University. It is a time to honor the fallen, to reflect on the meaning of sacrifice, and to come together as a community.

MSC Open 24/7: Aggie student union.

The Memorial Student Center (MSC) is the heart of the Texas A&M University campus. It is a massive, 1.2 million square foot facility that serves as a student union, dining hall, and recreation center all in one.

  • 24/7 Access:

    The MSC is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This makes it a convenient place for students to study, socialize, or just relax at any time of day or night.

  • Dining Options:

    The MSC is home to a wide variety of dining options, from fast food to fine dining. There are also several convenience stores and coffee shops located throughout the building.

  • Student Organizations:

    The MSC is also home to many student organizations, including student government, clubs, and honor societies. There are also several meeting rooms and event spaces available for student use.

  • Recreation Facilities:

    The MSC has a variety of recreation facilities, including a bowling alley, a movie theater, a game room, and a fitness center. There is also an outdoor pool and a sand volleyball court.

The MSC is more than just a building; it is a place where Aggies come together to study, socialize, eat, and relax. It is a vibrant and welcoming space that is open to all students.

Bonfire: Annual tradition and celebration.

The Bonfire is an annual tradition and celebration at Texas A&M University that brings the entire Aggie community together. This massive bonfire is built by students and burned on the eve of the first home football game of the season.

Building the Bonfire: The Bonfire is constructed over several weeks by a dedicated group of students known as the Bonfire Crew. The crew works tirelessly to gather wood, build the bonfire structure, and ensure that it is safe to burn. The Bonfire typically stands over 50 feet tall and is made of over 10,000 logs.

The Bonfire Ceremony: On the night of the Bonfire, thousands of Aggies gather around the bonfire for a ceremony that includes speeches, music, and the singing of the Aggie War Hymn. The ceremony culminates with the lighting of the Bonfire, which is a breathtaking sight to behold.

Symbolism and Unity: The Bonfire is more than just a large fire; it is a symbol of Aggie spirit, unity, and tradition. It represents the Aggies’ unwavering support for their university and their fellow Aggies. The Bonfire also serves as a reminder of the importance of teamwork and perseverance.

The Bonfire is a cherished tradition at Texas A&M University. It is a time for Aggies to come together, celebrate their shared history and values, and look forward to the upcoming football season.

Elephant Walk: Graduates parade through campus.

The Elephant Walk is a solemn and dignified procession of graduating seniors as they walk through campus to Kyle Field for their commencement ceremony. This tradition symbolizes the transition of students from their academic careers to their professional lives.

The Procession: The Elephant Walk begins at the Academic Building and proceeds through campus, led by the Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets. The graduating seniors, dressed in their caps and gowns, walk in single file behind the Corps. The procession is accompanied by music and the ringing of cowbells, creating a festive and celebratory atmosphere.

Symbolism and Tradition: The Elephant Walk is a reminder of the long and challenging journey that the graduating seniors have undertaken. It is also a symbol of the close bonds that they have formed with their fellow Aggies during their time at Texas A&M. The Elephant Walk is a cherished tradition that is unique to Texas A&M University.

The Aggie Ring: As the graduating seniors walk through campus, they proudly display their Aggie Rings, which they received at Ring Day. The Aggie Ring is a symbol of their academic achievement and their membership in the Aggie family. It is a reminder of their time at Texas A&M and the values that they learned there.

The Elephant Walk is a moving and memorable experience for graduating seniors and their families. It is a celebration of their accomplishments and a symbol of their transition to the next chapter of their lives.

Ring Dance: Farewell dance for seniors.

The Ring Dance is a formal dance held for graduating seniors and their guests the night before commencement. This elegant event is a time for seniors to celebrate their accomplishments and to say farewell to their time at Texas A&M University.

The Tradition: The Ring Dance tradition dates back to 1907, making it one of the oldest and most cherished traditions at Texas A&M. The dance is held in the Grand Ballroom of the Memorial Student Center (MSC), which is decorated with Aggie flags and memorabilia.

The Attire: Seniors and their guests dress in formal attire for the Ring Dance. Men typically wear tuxedos, while women wear floor-length gowns. The Aggie Ring is proudly displayed by all seniors.

The Music: The Ring Dance features a live band that plays a variety of music, from classical to contemporary. There is also a DJ who plays popular hits to keep the dance floor lively.

The Ring Dance is a magical evening that graduating seniors will cherish for the rest of their lives. It is a time to celebrate their accomplishments, to say farewell to their friends and mentors, and to look forward to the bright future that lies ahead.


Howdy, Class of 2024! As you embark on your Aggie journey, you may have some questions about Texas A&M University and all that it has to offer. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Question 1: What is the Aggie Ring and why is it so important?

Answer: The Aggie Ring is a symbol of pride, tradition, and unity among Texas A&M University graduates. It is a tangible reminder of the Aggie Core Values: Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, and Selfless Service. To earn the Aggie Ring, students must complete at least 90 credit hours, including specific coursework and participation in various university activities.

Question 2: What are some of the best academic programs at Texas A&M?

Answer: Texas A&M University offers a wide range of top-ranked academic programs, including engineering, business, agriculture, and veterinary medicine. The university is known for its world-class faculty and cutting-edge research opportunities.

Question 3: What is the student life like at Texas A&M?

Answer: Texas A&M has a vibrant and diverse student life, with over 1,000 student organizations to choose from. Students can get involved in clubs, sports, Greek life, student government, and much more. The university also offers a variety of cultural events, concerts, and sporting events throughout the year.

Question 4: What are some of the traditions and rituals at Texas A&M?

Answer: Texas A&M has a rich tradition and many unique rituals that are a part of the Aggie experience. These include the Aggie Ring Ceremony, Silver Taps, Bonfire, the Elephant Walk, and the Ring Dance. These traditions help to create a sense of community and unity among Aggies.

Question 5: What kind of career opportunities are available to Texas A&M graduates?

Answer: Texas A&M graduates are highly sought-after by employers worldwide. The university’s strong academic reputation and emphasis on leadership and teamwork prepare graduates for success in a variety of fields. Aggies are known for their work ethic, problem-solving skills, and ability to adapt to new challenges.

Question 6: What are some of the benefits of being an Aggie?

Answer: Being an Aggie comes with many benefits, including access to a world-class education, a supportive community, and a lifelong network of Aggie alumni. Aggies also enjoy special discounts and privileges, such as free admission to sporting events and discounts on travel and entertainment.

Question 7: What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

Answer: Embrace the Aggie spirit, get involved in campus activities, and make the most of your time at Texas A&M. Take advantage of the many opportunities available to you, both inside and outside the classroom. Challenge yourself academically, develop new skills, and make lifelong friends.

Closing: We hope this FAQ has answered some of your questions about Texas A&M University. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the university’s admissions office or visit the Texas A&M website.

As you prepare for your journey at Texas A&M, we encourage you to explore all that the university has to offer. Get involved, make connections, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Embrace the Aggie spirit and make the most of your time at Texas A&M!


As you embark on your journey at Texas A&M University, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your experience:

Tip 1: Get Involved: Texas A&M has over 1,000 student organizations to choose from, so there’s something for everyone. Getting involved in campus activities is a great way to meet new people, make friends, and explore your interests. It’s also a great way to build your resume and develop leadership skills.

Tip 2: Take Advantage of Academic Resources: Texas A&M offers a variety of academic resources to help students succeed, including tutoring, writing centers, and math labs. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. The university also offers a variety of research opportunities for undergraduate students. Getting involved in research is a great way to gain hands-on experience and learn from world-class faculty.

Tip 3: Attend Sporting Events: Texas A&M is known for its passionate sports culture. Attending Aggie sporting events is a great way to show your school spirit and cheer on the Aggies. It’s also a great way to meet new people and make friends.

Tip 4: Explore the Bryan-College Station Community: The Bryan-College Station community has a lot to offer students, including a vibrant arts and culture scene, a variety of restaurants and shops, and plenty of outdoor recreation opportunities. Take some time to explore the community and get involved in local events.

Closing: By following these tips, you can make the most of your time at Texas A&M University. Get involved, take advantage of the many resources available to you, and explore all that the Bryan-College Station community has to offer. Embrace the Aggie spirit and make your college years unforgettable!

As you prepare for your journey at Texas A&M, remember to stay organized, set goals, and seek out opportunities for growth and development. With hard work, dedication, and the support of the Aggie community, you can achieve great things at Texas A&M and beyond.


As the Class of 2024 begins their Aggie journey, it’s important to remember the unique opportunities and experiences that await them at Texas A&M University. With its world-class faculty, vibrant student life, and rich traditions, Texas A&M is a place where students can thrive academically, personally, and professionally.

Throughout this article, we’ve explored some of the key aspects of the Texas A&M experience, including the Aggie Ring, academic excellence, student organizations, sporting events, and cherished traditions. We’ve also provided practical tips and advice to help incoming freshmen make the most of their time at Texas A&M.

As you embark on this new chapter in your life, remember to embrace the Aggie spirit, get involved in campus activities, and take advantage of all that Texas A&M has to offer. Challenge yourself academically, develop new skills, and make lifelong friends. By doing so, you’ll create memories that will last a lifetime and become a proud member of the Aggie Network.

We wish the Class of 2024 all the best as they begin their journey at Texas A&M University. May your time here be filled with growth, discovery, and Aggie pride.

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